Monday, September 15, 2008

Just Have to Post This...

Plz take caer ob all da kittehs and bunnehs and lolruseses and rackkoons and skwerrels and eben da goggies and hoomins in da path ob Hurrycaine Ike....
see more crazy cat pics

Keep everyone down on the Gulf Coast in your prayers...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Time for Lolcatz!

Need to put a smile on your face? Here you go:

I'm having trouble re-sizing the top one. The caption says "you gonna just stand there? for the lubba jeebus, help me!" I'm sure you get the idea.

you gonna just stand there?    for the lubba jeebus, help me!
see more crazy cat pics


dis not a good time  for photo
see more crazy cat pics


Friday, September 5, 2008

WOO HOO!! XO Computers Available from Amazon in November!

Woo Hoo again! The XO, a computer developed out of the MIT Media Lab )and intended for distribution to children in developing areas of the world), will be sold to the public by Amazon as part of an upcoming fundraising initiative. They were sold last year, but then the program was run by the developers themselves, and it didn't go well (it went ok, but not great I guess). I can't complain, though; ours was delivered, sans instructions or almost any documentation, on December 19 or 20. It's the coolest thing on the planet! It has a reader application so you can read e-books, it as a few (children's) games, with more available - free - on their site, it has several usb ports for use with other hardware, like iPods and a mouse, it has a video cam and speakers, and yes: WI-FI!!!! I've taken it on vacation several times and used it to access my email; what a great toy! Oh yeah, and the kids like it too.

Anyway, this was announced only today and for further information, you can look here:

or here:

The way it worked last year was that you paid $400 and received one XO computer. Since the XO only costs $200, the other half of your payment is tax-deductible as it goes to send another computer to a child in a developing country. The one I gave last year is somewhere in Mongolia now. Cool, huh? And we got a tax deduction too! Rock on, gadget junkies!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Opera Rules!!

Today at 1PM Google released their first browser, "Chrome."  Let's see how it goes.  Me, I'm hesitant since I'm a diehard fan of the "Opera" browser; it's lightning-fast, sleek-looking, takes up little precious hard-drive space, and lets me save my bookmarks as icons (yeah!!!).  And it doesn't crash as often as ANYTHING ever put out by Microsoft (take that, Internet Explorer!!!!!).  Did I mention it's FREE? Yeah, I use IE if I have to (occasionally, some low-rent websites can't be viewed by Opera), but ONLY if I have to.  Opera is great and I just wish more people knew about/used it.  Here's the link if you wanna check out this fast, EASY browser, and if you need help downloading it or using it, write me (or make a comment to this post):

On the off chance you want to try the Google browser, here's the link: Good luck with that!

Seeing Ghosts

With the recent spate of suicide-by-train deaths in this area, I’m noticing something I’d not really heard in the several years I’ve been here: long, insistent train horns being blown between the two nearby stations. As the engineers leave one, they begin a series of long horn blasts that really get your attention, the kind that make you wonder if everything is ok, or if they see something on the tracks and they’re trying to warn it to move. I can understand why they do it. Because of the suicide deaths of the three boys in the past three months (they were 17, 18, and 20, I think), I’m sure this line has become somewhat of a last-choice assignment for the staff of these trains (ie, when given their schedules, they heave a heavy sigh when they see they’re coming down here).  

Also, do you think they pass on information from engineer to engineer? Do you think they – the engineers - try to prevent it in any way other than blowing their horns more? Do they slow the trains when they approach certain crossings (like the one near me)? And do they support each other when it happens? Does it happen enough that there are that many other engineers who’ve hit people?  

This whole thing is so sad, and not only for the families of the boys, but also for the train staff. It’ll never be enough to hear “it wasn’t your fault” or “you know he wasn’t in his right mind” or “he shouldn’t’ve been playing on the tracks.” All the engineer remembers is that there was someone on the tracks and he hit him. And killed him. I’m sure that’s not an easy thing to deal with, or drive away from. And even when in their conscious mind they know that the boys were drunk, or off their medication, or lovesick, their unconsciouses must play vicious games with them, replaying the event over and over, during daylight and night.

I wonder if they get psychological help when this happens [there goes another series of horn blasts]. I mean, how can an engineer go back to work when he’s constantly hallucinating about young men playing on the tracks directly in front of his several-thousand-ton train? That can’t be good, for him or the train he’s driving. I wonder if they have on-site psychologists or if the engineers get time off to see someone on their own. Do they get automatically transferred to another train line? Do they retire early? What exactly do they do for the train staff when this happens? Has this even been an issue before? And, has this ever happened so many times in one short period on one line?  

We’re seeing a bunch of suicide prevention talks and articles geared toward the kids. I really wonder what’s being done for the staff of those trains… [another bunch of horn blasts].