Friday, May 30, 2008

Harvey Korman Has Left The Building...

The world has lost another great comedian: Harvey Korman died yesterday.  Most of us remember him from his days on The Carol Burnett Show, and he was also a mainstay for a while in Mel Brooks' movies (High Anxiety, History of the World Part I, and Blazing Saddles).  

While on The Carol Burnett Show, he was in many skits, and must have had mixed feelings every time he was paired with Tim Conway, who seemed to place high value on how fast he could get Harvey to crack up.  For exampe, watch this skit and keep your eye on Harvey, who in theory has no lines but becomes the centerpoint of the skit nonetheless:

Harvey Korman was the guy to watch on this show, usually regardless of whether he was the protagonist or not.  I'll miss seeing his reactions, and the lengths to which he went to try to keep his composure.  Rest in peace, Mr. Korman, we'll miss you but your legacy will live on...

Monday, May 19, 2008

It's The Most Wonderful Time... Of The Year!

Hey, kids! Sorry I've not posted lately, but I've been really busy, what with baseball, softball, lacrosse and Boy Scouts. It seems that every day someone needs a ride to somewhere, and none of the locations are near each other. I'm sure you've all had some of those days. Here's a run-down of last Wednesday (hope you're sitting down):

12:30 Pick up kids from school (early dismissal day)
1:00 Drop off #1 son at pizzeria for lunch w/friends
1:15 Arrive home and have lunch with #2 son and #1 daughter
2:30 Pick up #1 from pizzeria
3:00 Leave house with #1, #2, #3 to pick up friend
3:15 Arrive at school; drop off #1 and friend for chess; pick up friend #2
3:30 Drop off #2 son at friend's house
3:35 Drive to Girl Scout camp for hike
4:40 Friend picks up #1 son, (who's changed clothes after chess) and takes him to lacrosse practice
5:00 Try to leave Girl Scouts hike, to protestations of crying #1 daughter
5:05 Really leave Girl Scouts hike, crying daughter in tow
5:25 Pick up #2 son from friend's house
5:30 Stop at our house for pit stop
5:45 Leave for softball game in nearby town, with #1 daughter and #2 son
6:00 Arrive at softball game, which has already started
6:27 While pitching, receive a call from DH that he'll be late to pick up #1 son from lax
6:27:30 Leave mound to arrange for someone (anyone) to tell #1 to wait for ride
6:55 Finish quickest softball game of season; hitting fantastic, fielding excellent; Proud Coach!! I should be late more often! : )
7:10 Arrive home to empty house. Call DH to be sure he picked up #1 son. He soon arrives, only to say they've done fast food.
7:15 Leave to get fast food for us
7:25 Arrive home once again, this time with food
7:30 Eat
7:45 Collapse

I guess this is why I haven't returned to work. On days like this, when everyone has something, and it requires a spreadsheet to organize it all, I realize that after all the effort, it's worth it. When I see #1 daughter cry 'cause she has to leave a hike, then threaten to not play softball 'cause she's sad, then have her pop up at bat with a big smile on her face... that's what I live for!

Hope your seasons are all going well!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Days Spent Out in the Field...

My softball team (the Mariners) had a game last night, and at a slow point, I looked at some of our outfielders. One of them was fixing her ponytail, two of them were chatting, another was throwing rocks at the ground (or at me, her mom) and another was playing tic tac toe with her foot. Softball gets boring at times, I guess.

That reminded me of when I was on the Wrens back at St. Anselm's when I was a kid, standing out under the hot sun on one of the dusty fields behind Fort Hamilton High School, wearing my oversized polyester uniform shirt and my heavy (what-felt-like-wool) baseball hat (no visors for us in the 70's!!), being bored to tears waiting for something, anything to happen.

Which reminded me (again, I know) of a song I heard a while back, that I thought would remind you too of your days standing out in the field waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

Let me know if it brought a smile to your face too!