Friday, May 30, 2008

Harvey Korman Has Left The Building...

The world has lost another great comedian: Harvey Korman died yesterday.  Most of us remember him from his days on The Carol Burnett Show, and he was also a mainstay for a while in Mel Brooks' movies (High Anxiety, History of the World Part I, and Blazing Saddles).  

While on The Carol Burnett Show, he was in many skits, and must have had mixed feelings every time he was paired with Tim Conway, who seemed to place high value on how fast he could get Harvey to crack up.  For exampe, watch this skit and keep your eye on Harvey, who in theory has no lines but becomes the centerpoint of the skit nonetheless:

Harvey Korman was the guy to watch on this show, usually regardless of whether he was the protagonist or not.  I'll miss seeing his reactions, and the lengths to which he went to try to keep his composure.  Rest in peace, Mr. Korman, we'll miss you but your legacy will live on...

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