Friday, August 22, 2008

Which Came First? "Buffalo Soldier" or "The Tra-La-La Song"?

 I realize I'm old enough to be contemplating things things of a much more serious nature, but this was brought up recently and I felt I needed to find out the answer: which came first, Bob Marley's song "Buffalo Soldiers":

(check out what he sings at 1:33 in the song)

or the theme song from The Banana Splits, also known as "The Tra-la-la Song"?

I had to dig a little, but I've indeed found that the tv theme debuted with The Banana Splits in 1968, and the pop song was recorded in 1980 and released in 1983 (posthumously).  Makes you wonder what Bob Marley was watching when he composed the song.  But wait, he was a rasta, which makes me wonder even more...

1 comment:

Laura Cousins said...

OMG I used to love the Banana Splits. They were a crucial part of my formative years, along with Romper Room and Sesame Street, which probably explains all sorts of weird things about me now.

I think Marley was making a cultural reference, paying homage to a show that, to a guy OFF HIS FACE on weed, must have looked like scenes from The Book Of Revelations. Or, whatever.