Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Woah! Mazda to Destroy 4,703 Cars. Woah!

Until the many mishaps with my Mazda van, I was a die-hard Mazda fan (I'm a die-hard fan of most things that can be called "obscure," I guess). I think my faith in them has been renewed. Apparently a shipment of new Mazda cars were being sent on a ship that developed a really (really) bad list, and was like that for several weeks before being "righted." Mazda then had to consider the integrity of the cars, which had been strapped down safely but were at that odd angle for so long. Do they sell the cars and risk the lives of the drivers? Do they let them get into anyone's hands and risk the reputation of the entire company? After some consideration, the company decided... no. They won't give 'em (or sell 'em) to anyone, they'd just methodically destroy them. Three cheers for Mazda!

Check this out:

For once common sense wins, huh?

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